'Ideas are like rabbits. You get a couple and learn how to handle them, and pretty soon you have a dozen.'
John Steinbeck
Is your Business an ILO?
(noun: - Idea-Led Organisation)
Why do some organisations thrive in environments of dramatic change? This subject could not be more prominent in the current climate, and our good friends at Ibis Ideas have conducted research into this fascinating topic, establishing that those organisations that survive and prosper are those that are capable of developing – and then harnessing – fresh thinking. They believe that combined with the five common behaviours of ILOs and understanding how to do these behaviours at the same time, a business is on the right track to maintaining their own energy. In the video below, they share the five common characteristics and behaviours of all ILOs and tell you why you might need to be one not only to survive, but to thrive.
You can download a full copy of their research report here: https://ibisideas.com/ILOs